Balmy Amethyst ( Kirchhoff-D., 2016 ) Height: 30", bloom size: 5.75" , Season: Early mid-season, Foliage: Evergreen, Buds: 22, Branches: 4-way, Double: 99%.
There are few doubles in this color range with so many things going for it. 'Balmy Amethyst' is a petaloid formed double , outstanding in a grayed, lavender -amethyst color. The segments will display frosty edges and deeper violet orchid edges. The throat is yellow to green throat. Fertile and a fine parent. We have never seen it bloom single.
*By Appointment during the off season
June 7th - July 15th
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are getting the garden ready for 2025!