BLINDING LIGHT (Kirchhoff, 2021) Height 38" Flower Size: 5.75" Season Late Rebloom Yes Branches 4 Buds 15 Bloom Habit Extended Foliage Evergreen Ploidy Tetraploid Double 96% Parentage ((Seedling x Dutch Yellow Truffle) x Seedling.
Saturated and richly colorful, these blooms are golden yellow with a soft orange halo and a yellow-to-green throat. The form is full, with unusually wide petals and piecrust edges. 'Blinding Light' provides consistently double petaloid form. What is most remarkable are the tall, recurrent scapes with four branches.
*By Appointment during the off season
June 7th - July 15th
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are getting the garden ready for 2025!