FORTUNE BERRY(Kirchhoff 2004) Height: 30” Flower Size: 5.75” Season: Early-Midseason Rebloom: Yes. Bloom Habit: Extended Foliage: Semi-Evergreen Ploidy: Tetraploid
This is a deeply colored, smooth, bing cherry to port wine red flower of remarkable sun fast beauty. Both seductive and refined with a distinctive, large, coral-rose- red watermark eye and yellow to green throat to set it off. The form is full, widespread and overlapped, with serrated and medium piecrust to pleated edges. The scapes are recurrent, with 3 – 5 way branching.
*By Appointment during the off season
June 7th - July 15th
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are getting the garden ready for 2025!