Heaven's Declaring(Morss 2005) Height: 32”, F lower Size: 4.75”, Season: Early, Reblooms: Yes, Bloom Habit: Extended, Plant Habit; Evergreen, Ploidy: Tetraploid, Branche s: 5, Buds: 43.
Daylily connoisseurs sometimes pass over daylilies with cool colors, but never this one, Mort’s new, quintessential, H. ‘Heaven’s Declaring’. The bloom is a strong blend of medium amethyst and lilac, with a prominent watermark eye and grandly embellished edges. The watermark eye is comprised of sky and watercolors, and the fill within these webs is a lighter shade of slate lavender. The eye is outlined in amethyst. The color of the eye repeats on the petal edge, the innermost edge being deeper shades of amethyst, ringed blue violet, and encircled in gold. The edge is pleated with fine teeth, nerdles, tentacles, and cellophane sparkle to gold edges outside the blue grey inner edge. The scapes are candelabra branched five ways, with nice long branches and 45 or more buds
*By Appointment during the off season
June 7th - July 15th
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are getting the garden ready for 2025!