These ten-eyed daylilies have it all! This is a $345 Value for $255. That's 25%($86.25 ) Savings!
The cultivars listed below are the current plants available in this collection.
Folkert Schellekens-$35
Grateful Praise-$35
Gryphon Hankow Legacy-$40
Just Like Candy-$20
Lily Creek Dazzler-$50
Open My Eyes-$20
Paco Bell-$25
Red Eye Express-$20
Ruffles Have Ripples-$25
Vampire Eyes-$75
*By Appointment during the off season
June 7th - July 15th
Monday-Tuesday: Closed
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We are getting the garden ready for 2025!